Hello everyone I know I dropped the ball with my New Years resolution of doing a blog post once a week but at least I am updating you all now LOL. So what has been going on, well not a lot hence the long wait for this post HA! This is my slow time of year and the time where I am on the lookout for new Reps to add to the team. This has been a super slow year so far and I only added one new Rep but I have a lot of high expectations for her. I will let you know more about her in the weeks and days ahead.
The shoot this month was a chilly one and it basically showcased the early spring weather perfectly. For this shoot I wanted to mimic the little black dress shoot from a couple of years ago but I wanted it to be a bit different so we went with polka dots and the girls really went all out finding cute outfits that fit their personalities. I had fun on this shoot even if we were freezing. Enjoy the pics everyone!