Hello everyone its a wet and rainy day outside so I thought it would be a great day to write an informative blog about what you should wear for your senior portraits. So many times I see the seniors being confused about what to wear for their portraits and I have some very simple rules for this. I found all of the photos on Pinterest
so if any of you want to look for outfits or how to style yourselves for your pics just check out pinterest for inspiration.
On to the Rules!!
1. Be You!! You don't want to look back and not see your personal style at the time of your senior portraits shining through. You do however want to be you but in an elevated way.
2. Variety Variety Variety!! Mix it up make sure there are a variety of outfits that show who you are.
3. Accessories are King! Bring items that show off the outfit but also show off who you are. Different accessories for different outfits can make your photo shoot more fun and the portraits to have variety and impact.
4. Have Fun! If you are nervous or worried it will show in your portraits. Think about something you love that makes you happy and enjoy the experience. Your High School senior portraits only come around once so make the most of it!!!
I hope that this helps with what you should wear for your senior portraits. The only other advice I have is to be prepared, figure out what you want to wear and be ready for your session when your appointment time comes. There is nothing worse then running around like a chicken without its head on the day of your photo shoot.
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