Monday, November 17, 2014

It's supposed to be snowing!

Hello all!  I finished up my last weekend of shooting this past Sunday and I am anxious for a wee break from taking pictures.  That doesn't mean I am abandoning anyone but it does mean I am taking a break from the weather by staying inside lol.    I kept telling the girls that I would still be shooting but that we were supposed to get snow and it was going to be really cold, it didn't phase these girls at all.  Saturday the girls and I went into St. Louis to see what mischief we could get into and hopefully to take some epic images.  Sadly no mischief but we did get some epic shots.  We ended up taking advantage of Forest Park and its many nooks and crannies to take some beautiful images and we got to scout out the spectacular grounds of the Lemp Mansion and Brewery.  I hope you love these shots as much as I do.


Sunday we decided to explore the SIUe campus and we literally froze while doing it, well not literally but it sure felt like we were freezing at times lol.  What troopers these girls were they were game to keep going even when I was ready to throw in the towel.  You all have met Landri but I was privileged to take pictures of a few new girls this go around so I hope you will give them a little face book love.  Enjoy!

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

2015 - 2016 Reps

Good day to all my blog followers.  This past week has been a whirlwind of shoots, 10 in total and 7 of them on Saturday alone.  What a beautiful day to shoot, windy but sunny and warm.  The kids that were with me that day were all new to my Rep program and to my shooting style so we had to iron out a few hiccups but eventually we worked it all out and we ended up with some beautiful images.  Here they are I hope you enjoy them.  By the way we were at the gorgeous Pere Marquette State Park for our day of shooting.

The next day of shooting was on Sunday and I was supposed to have a bigger group of kids but the flu has reared its ugly head and 4 of them had to back out and wait for another day.  I hope they are feeling better today.  So instead of a crop of new Reps to introduce you too I had some oldies but goodies from last year.  

I want to take this time to thank Midwest Air Wing for allowing us to shoot at their beautiful airport on Sunday.  As you can see it is a scenic area with some great buildings we were able to take advantage of.  Thanks again President John.