Monday, July 17, 2017

It's a Retro Thing

Hello lovelies!!!  I am so excited to bring you this shoot.  As a lot of you know my shoots always start out as one thing and usually end up somewhere else. While this drives me completely nuts I have to go with the flow and get things done lol. This shoot was originally titled the Usherette's and portrayed the 1920's - 1930's cigarette girls, during the planning process I loved the theme but really didn't think it was appropriate to portray young girls selling cigarettes so we tweaked it a bit. I also had more girls in this shoot than was originally planned and there are just so many shots you can do and make them original so we decided to split the girls up some would be usherettes and others would portray 50's waitresses. It worked out great and as usual the girls rocked it! We got permission to do the shoot here in Granite City at the cutest retro book store called Novel Ideas Bookstore & More in downtown Granite. They were so generous and allowed us to come in on their day off to get the shots.  So thank you Novel Ideas for this great opportunity! Enjoy the pics!